KHCB 2019 – Longer Story

It all started with a midnight call from my good friend, mentor, and experienced creative director, Yahya. In 2019 He had an intriguing proposition: an exciting project together, crafting a campaign for KHCB bank to promote their savings scheme program.


Inspired by the vision, we dove headfirst into brainstorming, fueled by countless cups of tea and a shared passion for creative excellence. As the ideas flowed, a brilliant campaign concept took shape. With Yahya’s guidance and Nooh’s expert touch on the copies, we brought our vision to life. Over the course of the year, we crafted and delivered 22 comedy videos, each one designed to increase engagment and reach


It all began with the launching video Nader, the conecpt was to make a cool video to make an engagmet around the winners name without revealing all the details, i bet everey person with the name nader in bahrain were mentioned in the comments story quickly went viral. Viewers were drawn the idea of the campgian, feeling the excitement and anticipation build as he embraced the KHCB bank’s saving scheme.


But we didn’t stop there. Our creative journey continued, unveiling a series of captivating videos with a comedy approach every month, knwoing a slight details about the winner and doing a concept around it Along the way, we had the privilege of collaborating with talented DPs (Director of Photography) who skillfully captured the essence of each moment.


And let’s not forget the incredible 24F team, who worked tirelessly behind the scenes, ensuring every frame, every edit, and every sound was meticulously crafted to perfection. Their dedication and expertise elevated the campaign to new heights of excellence.

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